Modern diagnostic tests such as magnetic resonance imaging provide detailed visualization of organs and the body, and are used to evaluate various conditions or diseases. At the Medico Special Hospital, we use the Philips Ingenia Ambition device with a power of 1.5 Tesla, modern digital technology and software, and our radiologists have many years of experience in analyzing magnetic resonance images and will write you the findings as soon as possible, explain them and suggest the next steps.
Since the magnetic resonance imaging is high on the scale of diagnostic treatment of patients, an MRI examination is performed on indication, depending on the patient’s symptoms, and in the Specialty hospital Medico you can do the following examinations:
- MRI of the head, brain
- MRI of the entire spine
- MRI of the neck
- MRI of temporomandibular joints
- MRI brachial plexus
- MRI of the breast
- MRI of abdominal organs + MRCP
- MRI of the musculoskeletal system (locomotor system)
- MRI blood vessels (angiography)
- MRI fistulography
- MRI enterography (imaging of the small intestine)
- MRI of the pelvis
- MRI multiparametric imaging of the prostate
- MRI half body
During MRI examinations, you enter a magnetic field, so this requires a certain preparation of the patient and metal objects should be removed before entering the space intended for imaging, such as: jewellery, watches, credit cards, various headphones, mobile phones, coins, clips, hairpins, metal fasteners, buttons, stationery, glasses, pocket knives, removable dentures…
Before the examination, the patient receives the Informed Consent, which contains the most important questions for the patient’s safety when entering the magnetic field.
The instructions for taking food and drink before the MRI examination depend on the type of examination you are referred for, and MRI examinations of the bone and joint system do not require any special attention regarding food and drink intake.
Some MR examinations may require intravenous contrast.
The radiology staff will inquire about your possible allergy to drugs, food or something else. Contrast agents used for MRI exams contain gadolinium and generally do not cause allergic reactions.
Women who may be pregnant should inform the radiology staff about possible pregnancy.